(Dis)solution Issue 2: Geographies of Collapse.
This issue is 180 pages long.
Our century appears certain to be one of endings—of collapse. Whether it’s our ecosystems, ruling ideologies, cultural norms, political and economic modes of organization, human habitats, or the foundations of society as we know them, things are changing profoundly and precipitously. It has become clear: things can remain the same no longer.
This issue looks at the shifting sands of the 21st century: the continuation and acceleration of social and ecological crises, and the ways they will unravel unevenly across the world and our lives. It will investigate the social, (geo-)political, and existential implications of crisis and collapse; what will endure and what will perish?
(Dis)solution is self-funded by organisers. We pay for printing, website hosting and other small costs, and offer a little compensation to contributors to subsidise their time. Suggested payments tiers are calculated to recoup what has been spent. Any surplus will be used to create the next issue.
The mag is offered as pay-as-you-feel. The three online options are as follow: $20 (covers the cost of printing); $30 (covers all costs—we get back what we put in); $50 (pays for someone who can’t). If $20 is a barrier, send us an email.