Turning Towards Grief
Rahme Etai

"When we feel grief and pain for the land this is a sign of our love for Earth. We need to be in love with Land to be able to take action, to be able to take risks. We put our life on the line for that which we love. We sacrifice for that which we love. We need to remember our love for the Earth and, inevitably, this is to open ourselves to grief."

Our Futures as Guided by the Embodied History of Trees
Claire Waddell-Wood

"Trees encourage us to pause from the unrelenting rush of the present to fix our futures. They show us ways we can reflect on the expansive histories that have made us what we are. And importantly, trees express how individual beings, as part of highly interconnected communities, can hold immense influence over the future of both their micro-environment and planet."
Wilding as a Decolonial Future

Wilding as a Decolonial Future for (Dis)topia Australis
Yin Paradies

“Wilding is a radical shift away from the tameness of civilisation and bumbling obliviousness, towards listening with our eyes and watching with our ears, embracing our promiscuous animal essence, leaping headfirst into the carnal palpable flow of life, living within natural lore, being stilled, silenced and seized, cracking open to feel everything, bathing in the dusty intricate messiness succulence of corporeal reality, walking through the inside of the world, and understanding that we do not move through Country, rather Country flows through us.”
Resisting 'Green' Extractivism

Resisting ‘Green’ Extractivism
Alice Seedling

“Our use of technology reflects our society, placing profit and growth above all else. Our current economic system needs to keep increasing output, and companies need to compete for profit or be driven out of the market. This is the same of ‘renewable’ energy producers, leading to many destructive practices. Even so-called ‘renewable’ energy cannot escape capitalist capture.”
Knowing is Not Enough

Knowing Is Not Enough: On the Performance of Allyship
Adrian Fernandez

“The acknowledgement of justice, humanity and freedom for POC’s won’t be found in signs, statements of solidarity or book clubs. It won’t be found in ‘unlearning’ oppression, it will be found in your willingness to pick up a hammer and smash it to fucking pieces, to destroy the systems that stand in our way, whether at your job, your social network, your neighbourhood, your family, or your home.”
Unvisible Borders

The Park Hotel: The Unvisible Spatialities of Border Carceralism
Mark Romei

"It is first important to recognize that the Park Hotel is an embodiment and continuation of the ongoing colonial project of Australia, a project which was always constructed upon spaces of extraterritorial incarceration. Mandatory detention is spatially, politically and ideologically linked to various historical forms of administrative detention, government processes which render entire categories of peoples as detainable, based not on action, but upon their social, racial or religious categorization."
A Snag of the Democracy Sausage

A Snag of the Democracy Sausage: Political Participation and Dissent for Non-Citizens
Srishti Chatterjee

"Elections are often romanticised as ‘hope.’ As an immigrant, I feel very little hope in outcomes for me, and that is not to say I don’t believe in elections. It means that I place hope in my protection from precarity in the strengths and weaknesses of my communities. When the nation-state makes my body an issue of border security—my disabled, trans body that is the centre of political culture wars—I’m nourished and cared for by my communities."