(Dis)solution is an Australian online and print journal published in Naarm/Melbourne. It is born out of a need for radical, critical thought and expression, particularly from emerging writers, artists and activists which challenges the catastrophic, ecocidal structures of the 21st century.

Our work emphasises not just thought, but action; not just think pieces, but do pieces. We are commited to moving with intention and urgency. (Dis)solution hopes to aid us in this mission: to distinguish the false solutions—of which there are no shortage—from the genuine ones, and to dissolve what no longer serves us.


(Dis)solution publishes themed print issues, as well as standalone pieces online. We primarily publish essays, but are open to all other medums. 

Submissions can be sent as a pitch that describes the concept of the work, format, and expected length, if possible with previous samples of work. Full manuscripts can also be submitted for consideration.

Writing shorter than 4000 words is preferred. Pieces for print issues are paid at $100 for sub-1500 word pieces and $200 for 1500+ word pieces. Other mediums are varyingly paid relative to size and labour. Online-only pieces are, at this stage at least, not paid.

We want work that’s urgent, that recognizes and acts on the present. We’re interested in writing that is unique and impactful, that strives for clarity, impact, and relevance without dry prose and conventions—writing with personality and energy that speaks to the challenges and possibilities of justice in our time.

Send submissions to dissolutionmag@protonmail.com